Year 5


Welcome to Year 5!

Skylark Class

Mrs Smith

Swallow Class

Mrs Mason and Mrs Kemish

Swift Class

Mrs Hall and Miss Miller


PE Days

Tuesday and Wednesdays are PE days

Skylark Class will be swimming on Thursdays this term


Here are some snapshots of our creative minds in Year 5!

Theo's Science learning

Mia’s artwork

In Science, Year 5 carried out an investigation where they discussed how they could separate different materials using: filtering, sieving, evaporation and magnetic force.

In art, we have been learning about Hans Holbein and we created our own portraits of Henry VIII using oil pastels, pencil, water colours and collage techniques.

Evie’s writing


In English, we read a book called ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy and Jane Ray and created spells for our own unhappy ending.

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We visited Hampton Court and learnt about the Tudor hierarchy from plants to God and everything in between. We particularly enjoyed visiting the Tudor kitchens, taking in the sights and smells from the moment we stepped inside.