
Welcome to Reception!

Miss Roberts

Mrs Kaptan

Mrs Foster


Miss Buenafe


LSAs:  Mrs Pfiffner Mrs Warman Mrs Cornateanu Miss Richardson Miss Alefounder

PE days

Rabbit Class: Monday

Dormouse Class: Tuesday

Otter Class: Tuesday

Our Learning

Little Red Riding Hood Theatre Visit

In Reception we have been reading the book 'Little Red' by Lynn Roberts. Everyone loved the funny twist on the traditional tale. Reception then had a visit from the Hobgoblin theatre company who showed us another version of the Little Red Riding Hood story.  The children enjoyed thinking about what was the same and what was different about all of the stories. 







Reception are Superheroes! 

As part of their work around the book 'Super Milly and the Super School Day', Reception had their own ‘Superhero day’. The children designed and made their own superhero costumes as part of their home learning and were able to wear them to school. There were some fabulous creations and we could see the children worked hard on their costumes. 







We practiced our superhero posses and just like Milly we discovered we all had the super powers of bravery, kindness, being funny, clever and a good friend. We talked about the super powers that our friends have and made superhero badges with their power on for them to wear.