Contact Us

Ashford Park Primary School

Station Crescent, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 3HN

WHAT THREE WORDS - homes.sizes.stress


tel: 01784 250305

Telephone Enquiries:
Mrs Carlton will be pleased to help you with any enquiries and can be contacted on 01784 250305 between 08.15 and 15.45

Enquiries in person:
You can call at the school office without an appointment between 08.15 and 15.45.
The office staff will be pleased to help you.

Teaching staff are generally busy preparing for lessons at the beginning of the day so we would appreciate either speaking to them when they bring the children out at the end of the day or make a mutually convenient appointment through the office. The general office email address is:

If you wish to make a mutually convenient appointment with a member of staff please do so through the school office. 

Reporting Absences
Please ring the office and leave a message using option 1, or email absence details to

The governing body can be contacted by mail via the school address or by email at:

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