Home Learning

We will send home learning ideas home every half term. These will include ways you can support your child in all the areas of Reception learning. We will also include a 'challenge project' to be completed within the half term. 

Phonics home learning will be sent home every Friday. This will be linked to the new sounds and words taught that week. Please support your child to learn and use the new sounds taught. 

A reading book will also be set weekly through the e-collins Hub, this book which is matched to your child's phonic knowledge. A shared reading book for you to enjoy with your child will also be sent home weekly. 

  • Collins ebook- set on a Friday, to be read daily the following week. Your child will have an individual login. Please ask the class teacher if you require another copy of this. 
  • Shared reading book- collected in on a Thursday and given out on Friday.