Q. Am I entitled to free school meals?
A. Please see the school office for the appropriate form to guide you through this process.
If your child is entitled to receive free school meals (even if he/she prefers to have a packed lunch from home) we would be grateful if you would complete the 'Free School Meals' form available from the school office or on the downloadable forms section of this website.
Q. Do you teach musical instruments at school?
A. Yes, music tuition is available at school. The recorder is taught in Year 2 and the ukulele is taught in Year 4. Children are able to receive peripatetic music lessons from Surrey Arts: Music lessons for children - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk).
Q. What do I need to do if my child is sick?
A. Please contact the school office by 9am on the first day of absence either by phone (01784 250305) or by dedicated email address (attendance@ashford-park.surrey.sch.uk). If the absence unexpectedly continues, the school must still be notified each day as above. Please provide a letter on the first day of return. If your child has vomiting or diarrhoea then they should remain away from school for 48 hours following the last episode.
Q. Can I take my child out of school for the purpose of a family holiday?
A. All holidays in term time will be unauthorised.
Q. Can my child come to school if she/he is on medication?
A. Yes, a 'Pupil's Medication' form needs to be completed at the school office giving authorisation for the medicine to be administered by a member of staff. The medicine will be kept in the school office/fridge. The form can be found under News and Events / Forms or by following link: https://www.ashford-park.surrey.sch.uk/page/?title=Forms&pid=21, please download and complete the form or call into the school office.
Q. Is milk available for my child?
A. Yes, we offer children in years Reception, 1, & 2 the opportunity to have 1/3 pint of milk per school day through Cool Milk. A letter will be sent out termly informing the cost of milk for that term. If your child receives free meals, then he/she is entitled to free milk.
Q. If I have a concern can I speak to my child's teacher?
A. Please contact the office for a mutually convenient appointment time.
Q. Does the school have a breakfast club?
A. Yes, Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am to 8.45am, Monday to Friday in term time and is available to any child who attends Ashford Park School. The Breakfast Club is run by KOOSA Kids, a private provider. The price includes a breakfast of toast and/or cereal with a cold drink. For more information contact the school office or visit www.koosakids.co.uk
Q. Does the school have an after school provider?
A. KOOSA Kids, a private provider, runs after school childcare provision from the end of the school day until 6pm. Details of this service are available from the office area or by visiting www.koosakids.co.uk
Q. My child has head lice (nits). What do I do?
A. The Condition and Comb Method is best:
- Hair is washed and rinsed
- Conditioner is applied and rinsed out
- Hair is combed methodically with a fine toothed comb (nit comb)
- Repeat the above every other day for two weeks to break the head lice life cycle
- Continue to check hair for lice on a weekly basis.
Other useful information in addition to the condition and comb method:
- Use Tea Tree Shampoo
- Rinse hair in lemon juice or vinegar
- Always tie back long hair. This breaks the legs of head lice killing them plus helps to stop them from spreading.
N.B. All friends and members of your family including aunts, uncles, grandparents who have been in contact within the past two months must be treated to break the life cycle.