Our APPS vision is to ‘Inspire a love for lifelong learning’ through our aims of ‘Achieving Potential Producing Success’ (APPS).

Our shared mission is to develop well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing consistently high quality teaching in a welcoming, happy, safe and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

"The school has high expectations of pupils. The motto of 'Achieving Potential, Producing Success' is understood and used by pupils across the school.

They are proud to be part of the school and recognise the high expectations the school has for them.

They live up to these expectations, demonstrating the school values in how they behave and also in their learning.

Pupils love the different subjects they learn.

Consequently, all pupils achieve well."

Ofsted, 2024

Our Ashford Park Primary School Values

At APPS, the children have designed a Values Tree, which we collectively own and demonstrate in our everyday experiences for inspiring a love for lifelong learning through achieving potential and producing success

Our values are:

  • Belonging

  • Peace

  • Aspiration

  • Compassion

  • Resilience

  • Challenge

  • Kindness



APPS Core Value Subsequent values Jigsaw Topic

Autumn 1


Sharing, unity, friendship, equality

Being me in my world

Autumn 2


Hope, love, faith

Celebrating difference

Spring 1


Excellence, confidence

Dreams and goals

Spring 2


Respect, care, empathy

Healthy me

Summer 1


Endurance, self-belief, persistence


Summer 2


Perseverance, determination

Changing me