Getting Involved in School Life

Parent Involvement In School Life

How can I get more involved with what goes on within school?

We value the conrtibutions of all members of our local community, parents/carers, grandparents, friends, neighbours, local businesses.  We all have something to give: skills, knowledge or just time. 

There are lots of ways to get more involved in school life.  If you think you can help out in some way please contact the school.

  • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)   more
  • Classroom Volunteer   more
  • Parent Volunteer on day or residential trips   more


Ashford Park Primary School has a very active and successful Parent Teachers Association. Every parent, carer and member of the school staff is automatically a member of the PTA.

The PTA organises lots of fund raising and social activities such as:

  • Children's Discos
  • Christmas Craft Fair and Santa's Grotto
  • Fireworks Display
  • Summer Fayre
  • Quiz Nights

The annual Summer Fayre is our biggest fundraising event. This year it raised over £6000. The funds raised by the PTA provide a variety of resources which the school would be unable to otherwise afford.

We are always happy to have people volunteering to organise or help run events but even if you can only attend an event then you are helping with the fundaraising and thus enhancing your child's time at school.

Some of the resources recently purchased by the PTA include:

  • New Fitness Trail
  • New Group Reading Books
  • New Reading Scheme Books
  • Picnic Benches
  • Playground equipment
  • Maintenance of Jubilee Garden
  • Theatre workshops
  • Digital Cameras
  • Christmas Pantomime
  • Contributing to the costs of the school minibus

The PTA meets regularly and everyone is welcome. If you are unable to come to a meeting but would like to put forward a fundraising idea, offer assistance at an event or give feedback on an event that you have attended, you can contact any committee member or pass on a message via the school office.

Classroom Volunteer

We are always happy to have parents/carers/volunteers helping in class with reading, craft work, learning tables etc. Please approach the class teacher or office staff and offer your help! We can then arrange a time to come in, discuss your training needs and to talk through our safeguarding expectations through a risk assessment and/or a Disclosure and Barring check, where appropriate.

Trip Volunteer

At APPS we are often looking for help with our visits into our local community or on residential learning experiences. Please look out for letters coming from your child's class and respond if you are able to support.
Unfortunately due to cost and numbers, we are unable to take all parents/carers so please do not be too disappointed if for whatever reason, we are unable to accept your generous offer on this occasion.

All parent helpers will require a DBS check for residential trips or List 99 check for day trips. Please ask at the school office for the relevant forms.