Our School

Emotional Literacy Support


Mrs Rachel McKenna is Ashford Park's Pastoral and Mental Health Lead. 

Mrs McKenna is a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and has many years worth of experience in successfully supporting APPS pupils with their emotional development.

If you think that your child would benefit from some emotional support, please speak to their class teacher in the first instance. For information regarding ELSA, please click on the link below: 

Why does my child need ELSA support?

Learning to navigate big feelings, life experiences and relationships is all part of natural growth and development but can at times become overwhelming.

Whilst Mrs McKenna strives to support as many pupils as possible, we are seeing both locally and nationally that there is a significant increase in young people requiring emotional support.

This means that whilst Mrs McKenna would love to work with all of the children, this will not always be possible.

Therefore, we have shared some useful resources and contacts for families to refer to at the bottom of this page and often share resources and contacts via our school newsletter.